Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Calypso Rising Version 2.0

Here's a revised image of Calypso with behind scenes look. I wasn't satisfied with the previous work since the wave didn't look too convincing. Hope you like...

Friday, November 6, 2009

Calypso Rising

This is a follow-up to the Spear Bearer, based on an idea about a siren rising from the wave, striking a majestic pose with spear at hand. The process took twelve hours to render, and I'm considering doing another scene based on this.

Thursday, November 5, 2009

WIP-Spear Bearer

Here are several images showing the lighting and views at low-res

The Spear Bearer

Because of my love of classical art, I've decided to mix sculpture with comic art. The idea came to me while looking at busts of both Marvel and DC characters. I figured "I could do that", so I design a modern bust. The artwork was done within five days, and rendered for twelve hours at hi-res.

Battle of the Bots

No, I wasn't inspired by Transformers, I figured why not have two robots duke it out. This took two and a half weeks to design and render. The lighting was my biggest problem, especially when it's a daytime scene. Many thanks to my friend Trevor Brooks who suggested the scared victims to run at different angles.

Giant Robo Tribute

After working on the Missile scene, I decide to create a huge robot being built. The construction workers are all women (who else to build the perfect female). I had fun working on this piece, and took several weeks to build and twelve hours to render.

Weapons of my Destruction

Over the summer I had this idea of creating missiles for various designs. So I came up with three missiles that had a purpose. One to drill into the toughest metal, and one to jack-hammer into any surface. The scene took three weeks to complete, and the lighting a little challenging. But it works!!

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Shanna has found the alien's power source, and tries in vain to destroy it with her staff. Will she succeed?? I leave that to you, the viewer.

Big Bug Fight

Our heroine (named Shanna) confronts her captors armed with.....BUG SPRAY!!!! Better call Orkin or Raid!

The Escape

Here our heroine escapes her captors and finds a mystic weapon to defeat the invaders. But, there's danger amidst the corridors of the alien ship!

Aaarrggh, Bugs!!

Here is some artwork done several months ago. It's part of a story I've been working on, involving alien bugs capturing humans as slaves. 3D software was used to render the scene. More to come