Monday, December 12, 2011

Scary Guy

Hi everyone, here is pics of my latest artwork. The character was designed in Hexagon, a 3D modeling software, then imported to Mudbox which is a sculpting and painting software. I am doing a series of these, so please feel free to comment.

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Jazz Players

Hi everyone, it's been four months since I last posted some artwork. Here's my latest piece called "Jazz Players". This was done for my church's stewartship banquet, held this Saturday. I always wanted to do a jazz piece, so when I was ask to create this, I thought about festive masks playing instruments. All done in CGI and the display print is 22x28 inches. I will sell it afterwards for $40 unframe.

Comments are welcome.

Monday, June 13, 2011

Inspiration Artwork

Hi everyone, here's my latest piece that was going to be submitted for another art show this month. The show was canceled, but that didn't stop me from producing this artwork. Let me know if you're interested in prints.

Thursday, May 19, 2011

Tackle Part2

Hi everyone, here's the second follow-up to the previous Sports series. For those who are Pittsburgh Steelers fans, this one's for you. Contact me for prints.

Thursday, April 21, 2011


Hi everyone, here's a follow-up to my sports series. If you're into football and have a favorite team, I can design it and sell prints for you.

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Football Player 2011

Hi everyone, it's been a few months since I last posted, so here's my latest artwork. It is a commission piece for a client who's into football. This artwork is one of a series I am doing on sports, so if there's anyone interested in this piece, and has a favorite team, I can change the color scheme. Let me know and we'll talk about pricing.